“Sea monster howls at the moon – Le monstre marin hurle à la lune”
Mixed Media on Paper 7.5×11″ (18x28cm) Technique mixte sur Papier Drawing of the Day available for CDN$ 150 (125€) Dessin du jour disponible au prix de 125€ (150 $CAD)
One thought on “Drawing of the Day – 0257 – Dessin du jour”
What does the howl of a sea monster sound like, I wonder. Judging by the amount of smoke created, it must be powerful. Does it howl for the same reason as a wolf howls at the moon, or are there other triggers that make a sea monster howl at the same target? I’m worried about the pollution – a blacked-out moon just from one sea monster. What if the whole family gets going? I dread the thought. Worse than any amount of automobiles.
What does the howl of a sea monster sound like, I wonder. Judging by the amount of smoke created, it must be powerful. Does it howl for the same reason as a wolf howls at the moon, or are there other triggers that make a sea monster howl at the same target? I’m worried about the pollution – a blacked-out moon just from one sea monster. What if the whole family gets going? I dread the thought. Worse than any amount of automobiles.