Ink on Paper 7.5×11″ (18x28cm) Encre sur Papier
Drawing of the Day available for CDN$ 150 (125€)
Dessin du jour disponible au prix de 125€ (150 $CAD)
Ink on Paper 7.5×11″ (18x28cm) Encre sur Papier
Drawing of the Day available for CDN$ 150 (125€)
Dessin du jour disponible au prix de 125€ (150 $CAD)
That looks cozy. Cuddling is nice, especially with spikes both at the back and in front (he, he!). Excuse me for being frisky, but that was my first thought when I saw the drawing, even thought I’m almost sure that wasn’t your thought when you made it. Each time I wonder what you’ll come up with next, Frank. It seems your imagination is never-ending.