Merely decorations – Purement decoratif -Oil on Canvas 32×48 (81x122cm)

Frank and Nadine at the vernissage
Merely decorations – Purement decoratif -Oil on Canvas 32×48 (81x122cm)
Frank and Nadine at the vernissage
“The great leader finds inspiration – Le grand leader trouve l’inspiration” – Acrylic -32 x 46 (80 x 116 cm)
On display at La Quincaillerie d’Art for the VentArt show open now! Vernissage Sat 24 nov 19h in Nice, 41 rue Verdi.
Also to be seen, my original Eccolage comic book collages and drawings of the day. A must visit when in Nice!
« The bamboo forest – La bambouseraie » – Acrylic – 36 x 36 (91 x 91 cm)
Mon dessin « The lone migrant in the old town – La migrante solitaire dans la vielle ville » est maintenant en vue au Salon 2017 – Exposition des artistes du comite National Monegasque de l’A.I.A.P – U.N.E.S.C.O. See my drawing now on view at the Salon 2017 – Salle d’exposition, 4 Quai Antoine 1er, Port de Monaco:
The lone migrant in the old town – La migrante solitaire dans la vielle ville
J’ai deux tableaux dans l’exposition d’art à La Vague de Saint-Paul (Saint-Paul de Vence), organisée par Alberti Arts. Vernissage vendredi soir 16 juin ; l’expo dure jusqu’au 30 septembre. Venez voir l’expo si vous êtes dans le coin !
I have two pieces in an exhibition at La Vague de Saint-Paul (Saint-Paul de Vence), organized by Alberti Arts. The opening is Friday evening 16 June and the show continues until September 30. Come and see the show if you’re in the neighbourhood !
Je serai expose dans l’exposition 10ème Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japon 2016 a Monaco du 12 au 14 février. Je vais présenter mon œuvre collage/dessin « Le grand voyage ». Vernissage Vendredi 12 de 14h00 a 19h00
I will be exhibiting in the exhibition 10ème Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japon 2016 in Monaco from the 12 to 14 February. I will be presenting my large collage/drawing, “The great voyage” The opening will be on Friday the 12th from 14h00 to 19h00
“Le grand voyage”
I will be participating in the 1st Salon of International Contemporary Art Art3f, September 3rd to 6th, at the Paris Event Center, Porte de la Villette, in Paris, France
Opening Thursday, September 3 at 7:00 PM
Opening hours:
Friday the 4th, 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Saturday the 5th, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday the 6th, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Salon Art3f
Je participe au 1er Salon International d’art contemporain Art3f, qui se déroulera au Paris Event Center, Porte de la Villette, à Paris, du 3 au 6 septembre 2015.
Vernissage : jeudi 3 à partir de 19 h
Horaires :
Vendredi 4 , 11 h – 21 h
Samedi 5, 10 h – 20 h
Dimanche 6, 10 h – 20 h
Exhibition of paintings and works on paper In collaboration with American photographer Rebekah West at the Chapelle Sainte-Margueritte, Cabris (06) France
Opening July 10 at 6:30 PM
The show will run from the 11th through 21st of July, open from 2:00 – 7:00 PM
Exposition de peintures et œuvres sur papier en collaboration avec la photographe Américaine Rebekah West à la Chapelle Sainte-Margueritte, Cabris (06)
Vernissage le 10 juillet à 18 h 30
Du 11 au 21 juillet tous les jours de 14 h à 19 h
Coming up very soon will be my first solo exhibition on the Côte d’Azur. Presented by the A.I.A.P. (L’association internationale des artes plastiques auprès de l’U.N.E.S.C.O.) at their exhibition space in Monaco, I will be showing a selection of paintings and drawing. It is my intention to take you to a place where poetic ideas take visible form. The work being shown combines abstract and figurative elements, giving rise to striking images rich in narrative content. Like Haiku poems, the works I describes as Visual Poetry make an immediate impact. Although simple and straightforward, they are filled with many subtleties and thoughts that reward contemplation. Through images of a world inhabited by men and women, forests and oceans, gods, goddesses and other spirits I evoke a realm that hearkens to a universal time that exists on the threshold of ageless myth, enabling us to see our underlying humanity with fresh eyes