Drawing of the Day – 0167 – Dessin du jour

“Tree in my window – l’arbre à ma fenêtre”

Ink on Paper 7.5×11″ (18x28cm) Encre sur Papier
Drawing of the Day  available for CDN $ 99
Dessin du jour  disponibles au prix de 99 $ CAD

3 thoughts on “Drawing of the Day – 0167 – Dessin du jour

  1. Diane Goulet

    La construction identitaire, ça commence par la mère.
    L’enracinement, les traditions familiales, l’arbre de vie, les racines des ancêtres.
    La fenêtre, la vision sur le monde.
    La muse est radieuse car elle s’élève toujours plus haut. Elle sait ce qu’elle désire atteindre.

  2. GuS

    What can I say, following an eloquent person like Diane above. I must freely admit that I don’t know where people get all these metaphors from. Apparently I’m reading the wrong kind of literature. And being a Norwegian writing in English doesn’t make it any easier. But apart from all that, I love this drawing. How beautiful and peaceful – the tree of life growing right outside your window. What a view – a view to life, and an appealing one at that. What more can one wish for? :-)

  3. Gb

    frank it’s not only amazing and noteworthy your talent to come up with such great concepts and sketch them and with the regularity you do but also you inventiveness at naming them. beautiful job.

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