Ink on Paper 7.5×11″ (18x28cm) Encre sur Papier
Drawing of the Day available for CDN$ 150 (125€)
Dessin du jour disponible au prix de 125€ (150 $CAD)
Ink on Paper 7.5×11″ (18x28cm) Encre sur Papier
Drawing of the Day available for CDN$ 150 (125€)
Dessin du jour disponible au prix de 125€ (150 $CAD)
I’ve heard the expression ‘Eat dirt’, but not ‘Eating earth’. I take it you have other thoughts around your drawing than the association I had when I read the title. Is she pregnant and craving earth (I imagine it’s the iron). I’ve heard of pregnant women craving carrots with the earth still stuck to them, so maybe this is one of those(?). No, I guess you have a subtler idea behind the motif. Smiles to you.