Drawing of the Day – 0384 – Dessin du jour “On the tiny beach – Sur la petite plage” Ink on Paper 7.5×11″ (18x28cm) Encre sur Papier Drawing of the Day available for CDN$ 150 (125€) Dessin du jour disponible au prix de 125€ (150 $CAD)
GuS44am4 May 21, 2013 at 1:07 am How beautiful and romantic, a beach made for two. Happiness in a nutshell.
Elaine May 21, 2013 at 1:50 pm Lovely! Immediately made me think of the river down the road from Heritage in the woods!!
How beautiful and romantic, a beach made for two. Happiness in a nutshell.
Lovely! Immediately made me think of the river down the road from Heritage in the woods!!