« The man who disliked blackberries – L’homme qui n’aimait pas les mûres »
Ink on Paper 8×12″ (21x30cm) Encre sur Papier Drawing of the Day available for CDN$ 150 (125€) Dessin du jour disponible au prix de 125€ (150 $CAD)
5 thoughts on “Drawing of the Day – 0789 – Dessin du jour”
Gurlie Skjerven
How can anybody dislike blackberries? Ha must have tasted them as a child when they were still un-ripe. Lovely drawing, Frank. I admire your drawing skills – today as well.
Exactly. how can anyone dislike blackberries. Some dislikes are simply absurd, and have more to do with people’s own state of being, than any quality inherent in the berry itself. It’s like saying you don’t like love.
“A man who say no to blackberries say no to life.”
adminPost author
My point exactly
…and yet he continues to just sit in the patch, not extricating himself, looking gloomy instead.
frank you’re sketches should all be in a book and for therapy, or even just an art or english or pysch class they could be gone thru – every one hold insights on several levels, layered like the earth itself.
nice work!
How can anybody dislike blackberries? Ha must have tasted them as a child when they were still un-ripe. Lovely drawing, Frank. I admire your drawing skills – today as well.

Exactly. how can anyone dislike blackberries. Some dislikes are simply absurd, and have more to do with people’s own state of being, than any quality inherent in the berry itself. It’s like saying you don’t like love.
“A man who say no to blackberries say no to life.”
My point exactly
…and yet he continues to just sit in the patch, not extricating himself, looking gloomy instead.
frank you’re sketches should all be in a book and for therapy, or even just an art or english or pysch class they could be gone thru – every one hold insights on several levels, layered like the earth itself.
nice work!