« Caught in a net of gold – Au piège dans un filet d’or »
Ink on Paper 8×12″ (21x30cm) Encre sur Papier Drawing of the Day available for CDN$ 150 (125€) Dessin du jour disponible au prix de 125€ (150 $CAD)
3 thoughts on “Drawing of the Day – 0841 – Dessin du jour”
Gurlie Skjerven
A unusual predicament, and one of luxury (I’m not quite sure how to express it in English). I hope she manages to escape, unless she really enjoys her ‘prison’.
A unusual predicament, and one of luxury (I’m not quite sure how to express it in English). I hope she manages to escape, unless she really enjoys her ‘prison’.

Though it be gold, a prison it remains
Interestig, Frank